Stop being late for work, sign up for our Before Care program and let us handle things in the morning.
Need more time at work before picking up your child? We’ve got you covered with our extended care program.
An alternative to Extended Care, we offer After School Programs too! Check below to learn more about these activities.
Our After School Programs makes the most of early release days by turning them into exciting field trip opportunities; keeping the fun going!
Extended Care provides basic supervision of your children after school. It lasts until 4pm. Students will participate in normal activities or work on their own work while waiting. Extended Care will cost around $35 weekly, but please see the tuitions page for updated pricing.
After School Programs is a sponsored program that lasts until 6pm each day. This program provides structured activities that allow your students to continue learning until the evening. After School programs has some fees associated, but is mostly sponsored. Contact us for specifics.
Before Care starts at 7am in the morning and lasts until school starts at 8am.
Extended care starts at 3pm (when school gets out) and lasts until 4pm.
Extended care starts at 3pm (when school gets out) and lasts until 6pm.
On early release days, After School Programs often will have a unique thing going on, i.e. like a Bowling Alley Field Trip. For specific details, please look at the Events
Generally, the prices are something like:
However, for accurate pricing please confirm on our tuitions page.